Papers, Patents, Presentations

on Power Plant Engineering & System Analysis,
on Stellarator Optimization,
on Materials (Neutronics, Plasma-Wall Interaction)
Papers on Power Plant Engineering & System Analysis
F.R. Famà, V. Prost, G. Calabrò, F.A. Volpe, S. Ubertini, A.L. Facci, Thermodynamic and economic analyses of the retrofit of existing electric power plants with fusion reactors, Energy Conversion and Management: X (2024): 100668 (open access)
“Retrofit” is the installation of new or modified parts in something previously manufactured, for example to re-purpose it. This paper examines the retrofit and re-purposing of two existing power-plants (one fission-based, the other coal-fired) into fusion power-plants of the stellarator type. Four different retrofit scenarios are considered and compared with the “greenfield” option of building a fusion plant from scratch, finding significant capital savings of up to 50%. The best strategy is to (i) select a site that already implements cutting-edge thermodynamic parameters and (ii) reuse or adapt the existing systems (buildings, steam cycle, electricity generation, heat rejection) as much as possible. For the the coal-fired plant in Italy considered here, we predict Levelized Costs of Electricity (LCOE) as low as 39 - 51 $/MWh, depending on the interest rate. Such costs are competitive in the current European energy market and yield significant Net Present Values at the plant end of life.
"thermal” power-plants convert heat (for instance from fission, or from burning coal) in electricity. However, the whole world agrees on the urgency of phasing out coal, and some countries decided to move away from fission. At the same time, building a first-of-a-kind fusion pilot-plant might require significant time and capital. Retrofitting a coal plant (or, in selected countries, a fission plant) by replacing the heat-source with fusion would solve both problems. Contact us if you are curious about the retrofittability of a power-plant in your country 😉
V. Prost, F.A. Volpe, Economically optimized design point of high-field stellarator power-plant, Nuclear Fusion 64 (2024), 026007.
DOI 10.1088/1741-4326/ad142e (open access)
In scanning the magnetic fields B, major radius R and other parameters, including unexplored ranges recently made accessible by HTS, we find combinations of values (stellarator “design points”) that are simultaneously promising from a physics, engineering and economics perspective. We do so for both a next-step burning stellarator plasma of net fusion heat, Q > 1, and for a power-plant. The “knob” with the highest effect on economics is plasma confinement, followed by reducing the blanket thickness, developing compact configurations looking more like cored apples than bicycle tires, with R = 3-5 m and B = 7-10 T, and lastly minimizing the HTS unit cost and auxiliary heating system’s cost. A comparison with other energy sources is also provided. The study relies on first principles and established empirical scalings; it assumes neutral beam injection heating and plasma-facing, flowing liquid metal walls protecting from neutrons and extracting the heat. It also finds how to evolve density, temperature and heating power to reach “ignition” (when fusion heat sustains further fusion reactions, and external heating can be turned off) and computes the power consumption to operate the power-plant (“power recirculation”) and net power put on the grid.
To our knowledge this is the most comprehensive study of its kind, navigating dozens of dimensions under a unique combination of physical, engineering and economical constraints. Low aspect ratios A are found to be essential to simultaneously satisfy all constraints. This is why Renaissance Fusion pursues the lowest aspect ratios of all stellarator startups and institutes. In that respect we are to other stellarators what Tokamak Energy is to other tokamaks (but we know how to shield the equivalent of the central column 😉). We show that GW-class stellarator plants will out-compete nearly all energy sources in unit cost per W installed and per kWh put on the grid. In fact, stellarators will compete with solar in terms of LCOE, with the added benefit of 24/7 availability 😉. Stellarators are not competitive with solar in unit cost of the power-plant, yet, but our first-of-a-kind cost estimates are expected to decrease for the Nth-of-a-kind.
F.R. Famà, G. Loreti, G. Calabrò, S. Ubertini, F.A. Volpe, A.L. Facci., An optimized power conversion system for a stellarator-based nuclear fusion power plant, Energy Conversion and Management 276 (2023), 116572 (restricted access)
“Power conversion” is the conversion of heat-to-electricity, mediated by water becoming steam and propelling turbines. Unlike all other fusion devices, which are pulsed, the stellarator is inherently steady-state, and thus requires a different downstream power conversion. In this paper we conceive and optimize such a system for a stellarator plant equipped with plasma-facing liquid metal walls in the 700–900 °C temperature range. For maximum efficiency and safety, we rely on a “supercritical CO2 Brayton–Rankine Combined Cycle”. Despite the lofty name, this means that heat is transferred twice: first from the liquid metal to carbon dioxide (yes, the one we are trying to remove from the atmosphere), but in a special state called supercritical, halfway between liquid and gas, and secondly to water/steam. Brayton and Rankine are two important folks, with two thermodynamic cycles named after them. We obtain heat-to-electricity efficiencies of 51% (significantly higher than ~34% in tokamak reactors) and a net electrical efficiency of the complete plant, including auxiliary systems, of 34%. Finally, we discuss the technical feasibility and optimization of the two most critical components: turbo-machinery and heat exchangers. We obtain compact machines of, respectively, 1.2 m diameter and 40 m³ volume.
Even 1% of power-plant efficiency increase is worth tens of millions, and here we are talking factors, not percents... Let’s say we want to put 1 GW of electricity on the grid,. We could build a tokamak producing 6 GW heat with 34% conversion efficiency and 50% duty cycle. Alternatively, we could build a stellarator capable of 2 GW heat production with 51% conversion efficiency and near-100% duty cycle. The latter is roughly a 3x smaller investment, for the same result ! Continuous operation reduces costs even further (no thermo-mechanical transients, no intermediate energy storage, etc.). This is partly made possible by the steady state nature of stellarators, and partly by two new contributions of this paper. First, we envision a combined Brayton-Rankine cycle, more efficient than the traditional Rankine cycle of nuclear power plants. The second benefit stems from the high temperature of our first working fluid -the liquid metal-, resulting in high thermodynamic efficiency, and made possible by clever materials subject to lower evaporation than pure lithium. Finally, combining two cycles led to adopting a third, intermediate working fluid. This prevents liquid metal from entering in contact with water, with major benefits for safety.

Papers on Stellarator Optimization
Y. Privat, R. Robin, M. Sigalotti, Optimal shape of stellarators for magnetic confinement fusion, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 163 (2022), 231 (final paper, restricted access)
hal-03472623 , version 2 (preprint, open access)
Magnetic confinement of stellarator plasmas is entirely achieved by optimized coils lying on a toroidal “Coil Winding Surface” (CWS). The surface is typically fixed at the beginning on the basis of the plasma boundary, or is varied a few times “by hand”. In this paper, the surface is optimized as well, self-consistently with the coils. The figure-of-merit is a single number combining several metrics. Metrics from an earlier paper (see below) include field accuracy in the plasma, coil simplicity on the surface (“regularization”) and minimal forces between the coils. New, additional metrics include proxies for surface simplicity, such as surface curvature. The paper proves the “shape differentiability” of the criterion. [This is part of a branch of mathematics known as “shape optimization”. It means that you can differentiate a number with respect to… a shape, which turns useful here, much like, when you optimize a number as a function of another number, you may need to differentiate one w.r.t the other.] The paper proves that an optimal shape exists, and provides a workable expression that was coded in the new STELLACODE. The code is flexible with respect to the figure-of-merit definition and can carry out its optimization either in the general space of all toroidal CWSs surrounding the plasma, or in some subspace of parametrized surfaces, for instance axisymmetric or piecewise cylindrical.
Typical optimizers find optimal coils (simple, subject to low forces, etc.) on a fixed surface. Therefore, the optimum depends on the surface assumed, but “an even better optimum” could exist -and typically does exist- for a different assumption. This is why it is important to self-consistently optimize the surface and the currents thereon. At the same time, we refrain from unnecessarily broad searches, and we restrict to coil-surfaces making sense from a construction perspective. In our case, these are piecewise cylindrical surfaces, not necessarily of circular cross-section. The STELLACODE developed for this paper is of general interest; in our case, it helps us finding coil-surfaces suitable for our wide HTS, laser-engraving approach and yielding accurate stellarator fields.
R. Robin, F.A. Volpe, Minimization of magnetic forces on stellarator coils, Nuclear Fusion 62 (2022), 086041.
DOI 10.1088/1741-4326/ac7658 (final paper, restricted access)
arXiv:2103.13195 (preprint, open access)
This is a partly mathematical, partly numerical paper. In the mathematical part we considered a coil surface and proved that there is a natural and rigorous way to define the electromagnetic force, despite the magnetic field discontinuity across the current-sheet, In the numerical part we included force reduction in the stellarator coil optimizer REGCOIL, which we rewrote in python. Specifically, we added to the figure-of-merit two metrics to penalize the electromagnetic forces acting on the stellarator coils (one local, the other surface-averaged). By doing so, we found current-patterns that generate accurate stellarator fields and yet suffer from peak-forces 40% lower than usual (everything else remaining equal). We also discussed future, easy generalizations to parallel and normal force-components, as these will be subject to different engineering constraints.
Plasma confinement in small volumes requires high magnetic fields, which call for high coil-currents and cause high forces on the coils. This has consequences for the support structures, usable materials and maximum field achievable, ultimately constraining the minimum size and cost of an HTS stellarator. However, fear not! In this paper we upgrade a famous code and find coil configurations that generate accurate stellarator fields and yet are subject to peak-forces 40% lower than usual (everything else remaining equal). This gives valuable headroom in the pursuit of high fields.

Papers on Materials
V. Prost, S. Ogier-Collin, F.A. Volpe, Compact fusion blanket using plasma facing liquid Li-LiH walls and Pb pebbles, Journal of Nuclear Materials 599 (2024), 155239 (open access)
Deuterium-Tritium fusion reactors will produce neutrons and, from them, they will produce their own Tritium fuel in a Lithium-based component called blanket. The blanket will also capture neutrons’ energy: this is how reactors will generate heat and ultimately electricity! Our blanket will be liquid and directly face the plasma. It will adopt innovative materials: a liquid solution of lithium and lithium hydride with solid pebbles suspended in it. Such pebbles will be filled with lead (Pb) and, for electromagnetic reasons, will accumulate on the plasma side, where they are most useful. The paper presents the neutronic analysis and optimization of materials and thicknesses in cylindrical geometry. It finds that a 32 cm thick blanket composed of Pb-filled pebbles and liquid Li-LiH, a 54 cm thick, solid neutron shield of some heavy metal hydride such as vanadium hydride, along with 1.3 m of concrete, will fulfill all the tritium breeding, shielding and heat extraction requirements. Most importantly, our pebble and liquid materials will be 2-3x more compact than traditional materials such as liquid alloys of Li-Pb, or the molten salt FLiBe. Also, at the location of our choice, natural lithium works as well as enriched lithium, but is 25x cheaper.
In the race to net heat (Q>1) and to more compact fusion reactors (thanks to HTS), we sometimes overlook pre-existing and new challenges. Pre-existing challenges include: (1) tritium breeding and heat extraction have not been demonstrated yet and (2) the heat flux and neutron flux are already extreme in planned fusion reactors, at the limit of what solid materials can withstand. New challenges include: (3) such conditions get even more extreme in compact reactors (where comparable heat and neutrons impinge on smaller surfaces); (4) HTS are very delicate and, under neutron bombardment, they lose superconductivity; (5) there are diminishing returns and eventually a trade-off in making the plasma very small, if the surrounding materials are not miniaturized accordingly. Addressing these 5 challenges and breaking such a trade-off requires innovative materials, and we found them.

on HTS manufacturing,
on Fusion and HTS devices,
on Liquid Metals
(also available on Google Patents)
Patents on HTS manufacturing
1. Uniform coating of a surface [WO2023194233A1]
The patent discloses a machine for vapor deposition on rigid surfaces. The structure to-be-coated is placed in a vacuum-chamber featuring at least one vapor-injector. Then it is moved with respect to said injector, as it sprays the vapor. The relative motion generates a sheared laminar flow, optimal for uniform vapor deposition. Uniformity is important for high-performance of the film (in our case, superconductive performance). As an example, a cylindrical surface can be rotated with respect to one or more tangential injectors. The cylinder can be coated on the inside and/or outside. This differs from traditional deposition on a flexible tape in a reel-to-reel system.
2022-04-04: Priority claimed from EP22305437.0A
2022-04-04: Priority claimed from EP22305449.5A
2023-03-31: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion
2023-10-12: Publication of WO2023194233A1
Inventors: Francesco VOLPE, Mehdi KOCHAT
Official Abstract:
The present disclosure relates to a method for coating a surface (110B) of a structure (110), the method comprising steps of: - placing a structure (110) inside a chamber, at least one ejector (104) being located inside the chamber and oriented towards a surface (110B) to be coated of the structure; - enclosing the chamber; - forming a vacuum in the chamber; and then - injecting vapor through the at least one ejector (104) towards the surface, while causing a relative motion, for example rotation, between the structure and the at least one ejector.
2. Method for manufacturing superconducting coils and device [WO2023194229A1, EP4258298A1]
Patent 2 discloses a method -based on the machines disclosed in patent 1- to manufacture superconducting coils and other superconductive devices not by winding superconducting tapes or cables, but rather by depositing two stackings of layers: one in a “cold” Physical Vapor Deposition machine, the other in a “hot” Chemical Vapor Deposition machine.
History (WIPO/PCT):
2022-04-04: Priority claimed from EP22305437.0A
2022-04-04: Priority claimed from EP22305449.5A
2023-03-31: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion
2023-10-12: Publication of WO2023194229A1
History (European Patent Office):
2022-04-04: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion SAS
2022-04-04: Priority to EP22305437.0A
2023-03-31: Priority to PCT/EP2023/058468, PCT/EP2023/058479, PCT/EP2023/058472, PCT/EP2023/058476, PCT/EP2023/058474, PCT/EP2023/058483, PCT/EP2023/058480
2023-10-11: Publication of EP4258298A1
Inventors: Mehdi KOCHAT, Francesco VOLPE
Official Abstract (WIPO/PCT):
The present disclosure relates to a method for manufacturing a superconducting coil, the method comprising steps of: - providing a structure (202); - rotating the structure; - forming a first stacking of layers on the rotating structure in a cold chamber (103); and - forming a second stacking of layers on the first stacking of the rotating structure in a hot chamber (105) at a temperature higher than the temperature in the cold chamber.
Official Abstract (European Patent Office):
The present disclosure relates to a method for manufacturing a superconducting coil, the method comprising steps of:
- providing a structure (202);
- rotating the structure;
- forming a first stacking of layers on the rotating structure in a cold chamber (103); and
- forming a second stacking of layers on the first stacking of the rotating structure in a hot chamber (105) at a temperature higher than the temperature in the cold chamber.

Patents on Fusion and HTS devices
3. Magnetic chamber and modular coils [EP4258284A1]
The patent discloses a method to build magnetized chambers by mechanically joining “modules”. Each module hosts two or more electrical circuits or portions of circuits, obtained by engraving (a.k.a. grooving, corrugating, notching) a stack of layers, including electrically conductive one(s). Selectively removing conductive material creates insulating tracks. In the case of portions of circuits, electrical connections bridge the portion on a module with another portion on an adjacent module. An optional, additional superconducting layer, but not perforated and non-corrugated, allows to better contain the magnetic field in the chamber, by partial use of the Meissner effect. In turn, this uniformizes and maximizes the field within the chamber and minimizes the field without.
2022-04-04: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion SAS
2022-04-04: Priority to EP22305444.6A
2023-03-31: Priority to PCT/EP2023/058468
2023-10-11: Publication of EP4258284A1
Inventor: Francesco VOLPE
Official Abstract:
The present disclosure relates to an assembly comprising a plurality of modular coils (100a, 100b; 401) mechanically and electrically joined together, wherein each modular coil comprises a groove (110a, 110b) separating the modular coil into at least two different electrically conducting regions.
4. Modular Magnetic Confinement Device [EP4258285A1]
The patent discloses a novel, inventive application related to the general method described in patent 3 to build magnetized chambers by mechanically and electrically joining “modules” featuring grooved conductors. Specifically, this patent discloses how to build a toroidal device for the magnetic confinement of plasmas with said modular approach.
2022-04-04: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion SAS
2022-04-04: Priority to EP22305446.1A
2023-03-31: Priority to PCT/EP2023/058474
2023-10-11: Publication of EP4258285A1
Inventor: Francesco VOLPE
Official Abstract:
The present disclosure relates to a magnetic confinement device comprising a plurality of modules coupled to each other, wherein each module (100) is adapted to conduct current in order to form a magnetic field and has:- a first wall (110) having a connecting surface (102) adapted to engage a connecting surface of another module of the plurality of modules; and- a groove (202) separating the first wall (110) into at least two different electrically conducting regions.
5. Modular MRI Machine [EP4257999A1]
Related to patent 3, this patent discloses how to build Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) chambers for medical imaging with our modular approach. Modularity facilitates various embodiments, ranging from small MRI of limbs to large, magnetized chambers that prevent claustrophobia, can analyze multiple patients at once, and allow some movement, like walking.
2022-04-04: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion SAS
2022-04-04: Priority to EP22305447.9A
2023-03-31: Priority to PCT/EP2023/058476
2023-10-11: Publication of EP4257999A1
Inventor: Francesco VOLPE
Official Abstract:
The present disclosure relates to a modular magnetic resonance imaging machine comprising an assembly of a plurality of modules (100) coupled to each other, wherein the modules have shapes and/or sizes adapted to the shape of the assembly, each module (100) is adapted to conduct current in order to form a magnetic field, and has a first structural section (106) assembled with a second structural section (102), the first structural section having a groove (202) separating the module into at least two different electrically conducting regions.
6. Frictionless transportation system and contacless braking system for such [WO2023194226A1]
The patent discloses how to build a Magnetic Levitated (MagLev) train or HyperLoop transport system with our modular approach to magnetized chambers’ construction (see patent 3), including important operational details on how to electromagnetically decelerate and brake the train, and how to embark and disembark passengers.
2022-04-04: Priority claimed from EP22305437.0A
2022-04-04: Priority claimed from EP22305445.3A
2023-03-31: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion
2023-10-12: Publication of WO2023194226A1
Inventor: Francesco VOLPE
Official Abstract:
The present disclosure relates to an assembly for a transportation system, the assembly comprising a plurality of magnetic wall modules (100a, 100b) coupled to each other, wherein each module is adapted to conducting current in order to form a magnetic field, and has a first wall (106a, 106b) and a second wall (104a, 104b) assembled together, wherein the second wall has a groove (202a, 202b) separating said second wall into at least two different electrically conducting regions.
7. Superconducting energy storage device [WO2023194230A1]
The patent discloses Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) devices based on our corrugated, large-surface HTS. Coated plates or foils are properly corrugated (for maximum energy storage) and assembled with each other (for modularity) in a cryostat. The corrugation consists of a space-filling curve, similar to a Peano curve. The modular circuitry allows to discharge different circuits at different times, so that the total current supplied by the device can be adjusted with time according to demand.
2022-04-04: Priority claimed from EP22305437.0A
2022-04-04: Priority claimed from EP22305448.7A
2023-03-3: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion
2023-10-12: Publication of WO2023194230A1
Inventor: Francesco VOLPE
Official Abstract:
The present disclosure relates to an energy storage device comprising : - at least one superconducting sheet (1) adapted to be coupled to a load in a discharge mode and/or to an energy source in a charge mode, wherein each superconducting sheet comprises a superconducting layer, and at least a groove (104) extending from a first surface (116) of said superconducting sheet into at least the superconducting layer, the pattern of the groove being a space-filling curve; and - at least one electrode (102), preferably two electrodes, for each superconducting sheet, the at least one electrode being coupled to the groove of said superconducting sheet, for example one electrode at each end of the space-filling curve pattern of the groove.
8. Superconducting undulator device [WO2023247735A1]
Undulators are special magnets deployed in particle accelerators and synchrotrons to perturb the trajectory of electrons and cause them to emit X-rays. Those X-rays are then used to study pharmaceutical molecules, new materials etc. For crisper imaging, there is a worldwide race to stronger magnetic fields, and varying over shorter wavelengths. This patent discloses constructively simple designs achieving world-record performance thanks to our corrugated, large-surface, multi-layer HTS. “Multi-layer” means that a single substrate is coated with several superconducting films closely packed with each other, intertwined by thin “buffers”. Such architecture is key to maximum field at short distance. A further increase in field strength is made possible by proper corrugation. Proper corrugations also optimize the field at the entrance and exit of the device. Finally, since the HTS parts of the device attract each other, iron pieces are added in strategic locations, which get magnetized and exert opposite forces. The resulting force-balanced design does not require massive support structures.
2023-06-22: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion
2023-12-28: Publication of WO2023247735A1
Inventors: Francesco VOLPE, Lorenzo BORTOT
Official Abstract:
The present disclosure relates to an undulator device (300) comprising: - at least a first superconducting coil structure (302); and - at least a second superconducting coil structure (304) positioned opposite the first superconducting coil structure; wherein the first and second superconducting coil structures are separated by a gap (hg) dedicated to the passage of an electron beam; wherein each superconducting coil structure includes a plurality of grooves (332, 334) through the thickness (hm) of said superconducting coil structure to separate it into a plurality of elementary coils; the grooves being configured in such a way that an electrical current flowing in the superconducting coil structure between the grooves can flow alternately in two different orientations in said superconducting coil structure.

Patents on Liquid Metals
9. Lithium hydride first wall [WO2023194373A1, EP4258286A1]
The patent discloses a novel, inventive, industrially applicable selection of materials for plasma-facing liquid walls in fusion devices. Namely, it presents a solution of lithium and lithium hydride. The hydride contains hydrogen, which decelerates fusion neutrons over shorter distances than other materials such as lithium or lithium alloys. Additionally, lead-filled pebbles can be suspended in said solution to further enhance neutron attenuation at high energies. These materials enable thinner liquid walls of easier levitation, which facilitate the full coverage of the reactor and reduce its cost.
History (WIPO/PCT):
2023-04-04: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion
2023-10-12: Publication of WO2023194373A1
History (European Patent Office):
2022-04-04: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion SAS
2022-04-04: Priority to EP22305451.1A
2023-04-04: Priority to PCT/EP2023/058832
2023-10-11: Publication of EP4258286A1
Inventor: Francesco VOLPE
Official Abstract:
The present disclosure relates a first wall adapted to cover an inner wall (113) of a vessel (106), the first wall being made of a liquid metal mixture (111) comprising at least lithium and lithium hydride.
10. Isotopic separation of lithium [WO2023194368A1]
The patent discloses a method to enrich lithium in its Li6 isotope - the most efficient at breeding tritium (one of the fusion fuels). Starting from a hot solution of lithium and lithium hydride, and then cooling it, the method exploits the different precipitation temperatures of lithium hydride where lithium is Li6 or Li7. The technique requires uniform cooling and good control in time. The basic idea is similar to the refinery of petrochemical products, or to alcohol distillation, but in a liquid-to-solid transition, rather than liquid-to-gas. Like distillation, repeating the process yields higher degrees of enrichment. The method is easily generalized to lithium deuteride, tritide and other substances.
2022-04-04: Priority claimed from EP22305450.3A
2022-04-04: Priority claimed from EP22305438.8A
2023-04-04: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion
2023-10-12: Publication of WO2023194368A1
Inventor: Francesco VOLPE
Official Abstract:
The present disclosure relates to a method for isotopic separation of lithium, the method comprising: - providing a first mixture (104) comprising at least lithium, lithium hydride, and possibly lithium deuteride and/or lithium tritide, the first mixture being at a first temperature; - a first cooling step (110), preferably a uniform cooling, adapted to cooling the first mixture at a second temperature lower than the first temperature; the first cooling step being adapted to precipitating a first part of the lithium hydride having a first lithium isotope; - a first separation step (124) adapted to separating the precipitated first part of the lithium hydride from the first mixture, forming a second mixture (122).
11. Device and method for extraction of lithium hydrides [WO2023194368A1]
Deuterium-tritium fusion reactors will breed their own tritium in a lithium-based blanket or plasma-facing liquid wall. Tritium rapidly reacts with lithium and forms lithium tritide. This patent addresses its extraction as a pre-requisite to tritium extraction. The method assumes a solution of lithium, lithium tritide and deliberately added lithium hydride. Lithium deuteride might be present too, if the solution is directly exposed to the deuterium-tritium plasma. Starting from a hot solution and then cooling it, the method exploits the different precipitation temperatures of lithium hydride, deuteride and tritide – collectively referred to as lithium hydrides. The technique is like the refinery of petrochemical products, or alcohol distillation, but in a liquid-to-solid transition, rather than liquid-to-gas. Like distillation, repeating the process yields better separation. The method requires slow, uniform cooling. If not slow or uniform enough, one can precipitate the lithium hydride, deuteride and tritide as a lump, and then separate them from one another by some distinct technique.
History (WIPO/PCT):
2023-04-04: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion
2023-10-12: Publication of WO2023194366A1
History (European Patent Office):
2022-04-04: Application filed by Renaissance Fusion SAS
2022-04-04: Priority to EP22305438.8A, PCT/EP2023/058819, PCT/EP2023/058821
2023-10-11: Publication of EP4257227A1
Inventor: Francesco VOLPE
Official Abstract:
The present disclosure relates to a method for separating lithium from a lithium mixture, the method comprising: - providing a first mixture (104) comprising lithium, lithium hydride, and at least a first compound among lithium deuteride and lithium tritide, the first mixture being at a first temperature; - a first stirring step (108) adapted to stirring the first mixture; - a first cooling step (110) adapted to cooling, preferably uniformly, the first mixture to a second temperature lower than the first temperature; the first stirring and cooling steps being adapted to deposit at least part of the first compound; and - a first separation step (116) adapted to separating at least the deposited first compound from the first mixture, forming a second mixture (118) comprising at least lithium and lithium hydride.

Coming soon.