Job opening in Fusion

Vessel-Cryostat Engineer

If a potentially good or excellent match, we will contact you within 3 weeks from applying.

We are looking for talented mechanical engineers to develop the detailed design and lead the construction and assembly of Vacuum Vessels and Cryostats, their auxiliaries and thermal shields.

[Depending on the amount of professional experience and skills, candidates could qualify for a group leader position or other senior positions]

Our team is young, agile, international and based in the exciting city of Grenoble, by the French Alps.


Individual responsibilities (candidates qualify if at least three out of six skills are fulfilled):

  • Develop the detailed design of the vacuum vessels and cryostats and their ports/supports and thermal shields, and their integration in the machine.

  • Analyze the structural behavior of the vacuum vessel, cryostats and their penetrations under operational and abnormal conditions.

  • Analyze the electromagnetic and thermal behavior of the vacuum vessel and cryostat structures and their thermal shields.

  • Define technical solutions, materials, welding techniques, sealing systems, interfaces, required qualification work and fabrication/assembly techniques.

  • Realize CAD designs and develop technical specification documents.

  • Supervise the in-house or outsourced construction of the vacuum vessel, cryostat and thermal shields, followed by their assembly.

Responsibilities as a team member

  • Coordinate the interfaces with the magnet team, the system and integration engineers, vacuum engineer, and other responsible officers.

  • Occasionally assist other groups (Fusion Engineering, HTS and/or Liquid Metals) if they have a peak in workload in the areas of design, modeling and manufacturing qualification. Equivalently, work with mechanical engineers from other groups, if vessel group has a peak in design and modeling activities.

Qualifications -essential:

  • Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or related field.

  • 3+ years of experience in pressure vessel engineering and/or analysis and/or construction.

  • 1+ years of experience in mechanical drawings and preparation of technical specifications.

  • Written and oral communication skills, ability to explain complicated concepts in a clear, concise manner.

  • Ability and drive to engage with a team of scientists and engineers, understand complex descriptions and needs, and ability to translate them into technical requirements and “on time, on budget, on specs” designs.

  • Organizational and problem-solving skills, attention to detail and will to learn.

  • Ability to work independently as well as in a team

Qualifications -desirable:

  • MSc degree in electro-mechanical engineering or related field.

  • 3+ years of experience with SolidWorks or ANSYS or COMSOL or other computational software.

  • Previous experience in heavy constructions (pressure vessels) or cryogenic industry or high-tech laboratories.

  • Previous experience in design and analysis of vacuum components.

  • Previous experience in management or follow-up of manufacturing contracts and assembly activities, preferably on vessels and cryostats.

Indicative salary ranges

We offer various levels of salaries depending on the level of proven, relevant experience. Indicative salary ranges:

  • Engineer with (0 – 10) years of relevant experience post - M.Sc: (44 – 62) k€

  • Group Leader of (5 – 15) years of relevant experience post - M.Sc: (52 – 76) k€

Higher salaries may be offered to the most qualified candidates based on the level and amount of proven experience.

Qualified and interested?

  1. Send us your CV at

  2. Apply directly by filling in the Survey Here

  3. You can also send a motivational e-mail to